Done and dusted

One last game drive had almost everything popping up to say goodbye. A Lion stayed awake just long enough to give some nice poses, a new Leopard gave us our 11th encounter, probably involving 6 different Leopards, and the Zebras finally came back down from the hills to add themselves to the list (a herd of 5 is hardly the Masai Mara, but you can see Zebras anywhere).

You can have everything: we had two fantastic evenings with a pack of 22 Wild Dogs, having seen three very distantly before.  These animals are fantastic: far more impressive than I had expected and also a huge amount of fun.  When you arrive you have a large number of sleeping dogs, with the pups a bit like kids on Christmas morning, desperate to get up.  Eventually the adults stand up and the doggy mayhem begins.  Finally the pups are allowed to join in, and it gets very silly.  Here are a few shots, there are many more to go through when we’re home.