Walk for Water

As mentioned in my last post I’ve been in training for a charity walk for Atlas Copco’s pet charity Water4All, which provides sanitation and drinking water facilities to areas without any form of sanitation.  It’s a great cause and this year we’re fundraising to support a project providing facilities and education for a village in Uganda.  I’ve been to Uganda (but not to that village, so it feels a bit more personal.

The walk is 41 miles between our Burgess Hill and Eastbourne sites and for most it is done over two days (with a stop over at a youth hostel).  Four of us decided to do the whole thing in a day.  41 miles is a bit further than I’ve walked before, but the added 1500 m of ascent provides a much bigger challenge than normal.

Yesterday was the big day: a start in Burgess Hill at 0345 and and we made great time in the morning with a couple of stops, magnificently supported by Karen in the car.  Early afternoon saw Fran hit the rocks, as blisters and serious pain in the hips hit hard, slowing us to, almost literally, a crawl.  At our 28 mile stop we decided to give it another 4 miles and see whether she could realistically hope to finish.  A combination of Lucozade, pain-killers, courage and incredible stubbornness, not only meant that she could pick up the speed, but she ended going up the hills on the Seven Sisters faster than I was.  Do not tell her she can’t do something!

We rolled into an empty car park just before 2000, after a great day with great company, we had a right laugh, even when it was hurting.  Many thanks to Dave, Darren and Fran for their great company, Karen for excellent support and Emily for arranging the whole event.

(You can still donate to to this great cause, my link is below)

0345: We'll be full of energy when we wake up...
0600: Beachy Head, 5 miles from our end point, is the most distant point in the far distance
1600 after highs, deep lows and some frightening blisters we're 10 miles from home
1730: Fran storming up Beachy Head, riding the Lucozade wave
1800: Looking back from Beachy towards Belle Tout
1955: Done it!


Back to normal

It’s not been a vintage winter bird-wise, and I’ve managed to miss quite a lot of the decent birds that have been around, but the on-foot birding has mainly been a build up for a walk for charity that will take me further than ever before.  The bird highlights have mainly been local, with a regular Barn Owl, and even up to three birds at once, hunting the fields behind us.

Our local Barn Owl
Jack Snipe, sitting in an open patch for a change
Purple Sandpiper