Being up in Yorkshire for Dad’s funeral at least gave us a chance to do a bit of birding on the way back. Strid Woods was as splendid as ever, although we were too late for singing Wood Warbler. Redstarts were very showy and a first for me: a fledgling Pied Flycatcher being fed, was fantastic. We also got two new moths: Chimney Sweeper and Floxglove Pug.
On our way down south we stopped off at Collingham and waited for five whole minutes before the Rose-coloured Starling showed up, and later in Lincolnshire we had a lifer in the form of a Blyth’s Reed Warbler, that eventually showed well and sung beautifully – an amazing song, far better than the short snatch I recorded suggests.
We had an unexpectedly close view of some wildlife yesterday, when a Greenfinch absolutely brained itself against the patio doors. Karen pronounced it dead, but it still had a faint twitch, so I went out and picked it up, whereupon it stirred a bit.
Clearly stunned, it sat on my hand without much fear and after I put it down in a sheltered spot it sat around without moving for a full 90 minutes before flying off.
They’re not my favourite birds, but it was a stunning bird to see so close.
A few pictures from our recent walks around Sussex, and our moth trap, which is finally beginning to have some moths.
The Hairy Dragonfly was at Kithurst Hill, the Spoonbill at a well-known site so closed that it is apparently “irresponsible” to even look towards it from a public footpath, or admit its existence. The Shelduck chicks are from my favourite dewpond over the down from us. Prior to finding the pair with 9 chicks there on 20th May, the only time I had seen them there before was on April 4th, despite checking the pond for waders multiple times a week. Tricky coves, Shelduck…
Hairy Dragonfly
Spoonbill at a top secret site somewhere in the northern hemisphere
Small Elephant Hawk Moth
Poplar (or perhaps Sallow) Kitten
Poplar Hawk Moth
Common Spotted Orchid
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Crushing news this week, with the sudden death of my father on Thursday, a few days after his 89th birthday. My usual eloquence has rather deserted me. I owe him so much and we’ll miss him so much.
(He was also responsible for about half of the hits on this website.)
Here’s a picture from this time last year of Dad in his favourite place: surrounded by his family.
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With migration beginning to tail off, and most of the available birds seen, the focus is a bit more on walking than birds, underlined by my early morning seawatch on Friday, that was practically dead. On Saturday we had a walk with a bird targeted: the Turtle Doves at Woods Mill. It was a lovely pre-dawn walk, but a bit cool and cloudy. We got to Woods Mill at 0600, having walked through Beeding Brooks, continuously accompanied by Cuckoos. Unfortunately the Turtle Doves didn’t get the memo, and never turned up. Nevertheless, it was a very pleasant 25 mile walk. A shorter walk today had more butterflies than birds.
Karen had an outbreak of sanity, deciding a start at 2:00 am was too silly and decided to leave me to it. Obviously she was right, so the plan changed and I left at quarter past midnight instead. A brisk walk got me to my fist stop at half past three (with a Nightingale belting out its song at 2:30) and the Nightjars were already churring and the Woodcocks roding. The views were shocking, but it was great to hear them back. Next stop for another early morning specialist, Grasshopper Warbler and found three in one location and at least three in another. Job done, and a good supporting cast to boot, it was back home, still quite early. It was a long walk, but for the majority of it I didn’t see a soul.
Another day another sunrise
Reed Bunting
Sedge Warbler
Grasshopper Warbler (it was a long way away and it was the small camera)
Steyning is a bit farther away than we normally go at the moment, but it has the nearest Nightingales to home (the clear skies have meant we have had no migrating birds from the house this year). To maximise distancing and to get there at prime singing time we decided on a dawn raid, leaving the house at 0430. We certainly weren’t up before the larks, which were singing as we walked up the down, but we were up before the sun – that came up about four miles into the walk.
At Steyning, after a glorious but decidedly cold pre-dawn walk, we had arrived before the Nightingales had thawed out. We had a bit of a wait, but when they did one gave us a fantastic serenade. To relive the experience, stand in a blast chiller for about an hour before playing the recording on a loop for about 10 minutes, during which time you can look at the picture for no more than 5 s.
We then moved on to our next target: a bluebell wood. There’s not many in lockdown distance and our first try had only a few bluebells. On the way home, though we stumbled across a tiny, but beautiful one.
Up before the dawn
It’s coming
Nearly there
Shouldn’t it be round?
Fallow deer are becoming more common around Steyning, this stag had 9 does with it.
This Nightingale kept us entertained for about 10 minutes, only showing itself once
You’re desperate for a haircut, but you’ve gripped your wife off on consecutive days on real quality birds: do you dare ask her? Given that there was no cut-throat razor available, I thought I’d take my chances. It was a bit of a committee job, but I think I got away with it. Given that the trimmer was a lockdown purchase, it’s the most expensive haircut I’ve ever had, but it’s certainly not the worst.
I wasn’t offered anything for the weekend, though.
Before: a degree of trepidation
Armed with scissors, a trimmer and a grudge – what could go wrong?
My best moment as a birder: finding a Hoopoe on my patch.
My worst moment as a birder: watching it fly out of view before Karen got a chance to see it.
There has been an unprecedented influx of Hoopoes into Sussex this month (about 15 birds so far) but the lockdown has meant that even those birds that have hung around have been out of reach, which has been frustrating. Having been religiously checking paddocks, vicar’s lawns and all short grass around us it was a massive surprise to flush one out of long grass in the evening. It landed on some cut wood and scrub about 100 m away and sat there for a while: long enough for some record shots. Before Karen could get to it, it upped and left and we couldn’t refind it. Having done the same to her the night before with a Turtle Dove, it’s not the best time to ask her to cut my hair.
Here are the dreadful Hoopoe shots and a few other things from the last week.
The Ring Ouzels keep coming: we’ve had at least 10 and probably 13 different birds this month
Early Purple Orchid, one of about 120 spikes in a patch