Madagascar Photos

The photos from my last few posts are now in one place in Madagascar 2019

There are more photos, and better quality and higher resolution copies of the ones posted here on my OneDrive.  It might be a bit slow: there’s a lot of big files there.



Maadagascar V

The last lot, this time from our trip up north to Ampijoroa.

A Coquerel’s Sifaka takes the low road.























Madagascar IV

Nearly there.  This batch is from our stay in Perinet.

Indris, singing in the rain.

Madagascar III

Another batch, this time from the spiny forest and wetlands near Ifaty

Madagascar II

Another batch, this time from Anja park, where the Ring-tailed Lemurs were, Zombitse, an excellent reserve with Verreaux’s Sifakas and around Toliara with a boat trip to Nosy Ve.

Madagascar 1

A wretched day, with horrible weather and a major disappointment in the World Cup final.  Still, at least it gives me some time to get back to the photos.  This lot is from our first location at Ranomafana.  I’ll put them all and more in better quality and resolution on my OneDrive and put a link up when they’re done.

Dodging the showers

A day of dodging showers, with the rain eventually winning in the afternoon.  That didn’t stop us from seeing some amazing stuff though, particularly the superb Collared Nightjar and a chance to sing along with the Indris.  Possibly the most amazing thing was the Leaf-tailed Gecko.

Prickly Heat

Here’s a couple more photos from the Spiny Forest of Ifaty, a weird and wonderful (and hot) place.

Lots of superb birds and beasts, and an unexpected swimming lesson (when a former world record holder offers to improve your stroke you don’t refuse) has made it a real highlight of the trip.

We’ve now moved on and are at Perinet, where the WiFi is distinctly patchy.  The birds and beasts are not, though, more on that once if the uploads work.



Desert island birds

A big day for me yesterday, when we went to Nosy Ve, a sandy island off Tulear, in the hope of seeing some of my most wanted birds: Red-tailed Tropicbird, which breeds there and Crab Plover, which is there sometimes.  Bot are cracking birds and new families for me and both were there, along with a real bonus of a Sooty Gull, a real Madagascar rarity.

Later, in our first visit to the spiny forest at Ifaty we had superb encounter with another of my most wanted birds: Long-tailed Ground-Roller.  Not a bad place, Madagascar.

It can’t be possible, but…

… there is a cooler animal than the Ring-tailed Lemur: Verreaux’s Sifaka, which clings to the tree’s like it’s scared of heights, bounces through them like a Gibbon and then finally dances away on the ground, all while looking utterly cute.

There’s lots of good birds at Zombitse too.