White Birds

A trip to Sidlesham today gave us a Little Stint, and a selection of white birds: Little Egret, Spoonbill and a flock of 11 Cattle Egrets.

At home we had a new moth for the garden, a Boxworm, an introduced species that is becoming the scourge of box hedges.

Wasp Spiders

After a quiet couple of weeks, autumn happened yesterday, with Whinchat, Spotted Flycatcher and Redstart in the field behind us.  All too distant to photograph, but a couple of Lesser Whitethroats in the garden were a bit more cooperative.  Out and about today we saw our first Wasp Spiders on Thorney Island.

Heading Eastward

The long weekend had a trip over to Beachy Head on Saturday for the Melodious Warbler that has been there for a few days, followed by a complete washout on Sunday and a trip to Dungeness today.

Star birds were a number of Black Terns, including one American Black Tern.

More Moths

It’s been slow in the moth trap of late, but yesterday gave us a wonderful Clifden Nonpareil, rather smaller than last year’s monster, but a stunner nonetheless.  Here’s a few more mothy highlights from recent weeks.

Winter is coming

It’s autumn already.  We seem to have been the only place in Sussex this weekend without a Pied Flycatcher, but a look in the garden this morning gave us something nearly as good, in the form of a migrating Reed Warbler visiting the pond. We have heard them singing before on spring passage, but this is the first we have seen in the garden.

The Quest for the Rings

No wildlife today, but some panoramas from yesterday’s walk from home around Cissbury, Chanctonbury and Lancing Rings, a total of 17.5 miles.  Highlights, other, than superb views, included an incredible number of Wall butterflies on Steep Down, as well as at least 30 Corn Buntings there (presumably a post-breeding gathering) and the biggest rarity: RAIN!

It was quite entertaining to watch either side of the downs getting heavily rained on while I only had a few spots throughout the afternoon.

Back to birding

It’s always a bit quiet bird-wise in June and July, but this weekend has seen a return to birding, with a Red-backed Shrike, handily placed for our lunch appointment and today a walk around Pagham Harbour.  In truth, this was more walk than birding, but we did get a nice red Curlew Sandpiper  and a few other waders.  They were too far away for decent pictures, though.  On the home front, the moth numbers are rising.

Cricket, lovely cricket

Our garden is home to a few species of Bush-cricket and over the last week we have added another in the form of Roesel’s Bush-cricket, which has taken to climbing on our doors and windows.

Also at home, the latest moth trap yielded an Oak Nycteoline, not the first we have had, but the first that has hung around long enough to be photographed.  Meanwhile on the Downs the Dark-green Fritilaries are out.

Flaming July

The heatwave continues and it’s quiet on the birding front, but the mothing is beginning to pick up a bit and the butterflies are more plentiful.  Attached are a few moths of recent traps, including a Bordered Sallow, a new moth for us, and a Silver-washed Fritillary from today’s walk.

Flaming June

It was a glorious day yesterday, so a brisk 10 mile walk over the down from home and up to Cissbury Ring was just the thing.  It wasn’t a spectacular haul of wildlife, with 10 species of butterfly, a few dragonflies and damsels and a few birds, but Corn Buntings were plentiful and that’s a treat these days.