Turtle Time

An evening trip out to see some Turtle Doves looked to have been in vain, but one turned up as we were about to give up and gave us some cracking views.  No purring, but it would have been drowned out by the Nightingale belting out from the bush behind us.

Still Clinging On

Wood Warblers aren’t doing well in the south.  Not long ago they bred regularly in Sussex, but now we have to go to the New Forest to find them and they’re getting harder there too.  Fortunately we had one today, and it was reasonably cooperative.  There are a few pictures from last weekend too.


Sunshine Returns

Another sunny day and an afternoon that started well with a new bird for the house list, in the form of a Honey Buzzard on its way north.  No photos of that, but a Bee Fly was laying eggs by the pond.  A trip to Pulborough yielded the hoped for Tawny Owl chicks, Nightingale and Adders.

The early bird…

There’s much to be said for a pre-work seawatch.  On a good day it can send you into office buoyed up with early success.  Today it made the prospect of a morning’s work an attractive improvement.

Still, the reward came in the garden this afternoon.  A flock of 11 Red Kites drifting east at lunchtime was remarkable as we have only had singles before at home, but pride of place goes to the magnificent male Redstart that took up residence in the back field.  It wouldn’t cooperate enough for a decent photo, but these digiscoped ones show it reasonably.


So much for spring

Colder today and relatively bird free.  On the upside, the Adders today were a bit more torpid than yesterday’s Grass Snake.

Spring at last

After finding a large Grass Snake in the pond (which slithered off before I got the camera) we went for a look around the commons.  It was warm and pleasant in Sussex today. and the birds were enjoying it.  A final stop off at Cissbury Ring for the seven Ring Ouzels there at the moment had a bonus in the form of a Black Redstart too.



Cuba days 9 & 10

The last lot: a morning at the wetlands of Las Salinas, more Todies, and  a mojito at last.

Cuba days 7 & 8

Around Playa Larga, with a morning in Zapata Swamp to find the eponymous Wren, some time in the Hummingbird Garden in Palpite, Quail Doves and general birding.

Cuba days 5 & 6

A day around Cayo Coco, followed by a day moving from Cayo Coco to Playa Larga, with birding stops on the way.


Cuba day 4

The journey from Camaguey to Cayo Coco was interrupted by a bus breakdown, but fortunately there was some decent birding.