Warm, isn’t it?

Being close to the sea, we were rather cooler than the record-breaking temperatures in the week, but it has still been pretty hot.  The best moths have been either side of the hot days, with a plethora of new species for the garden, 5 in a fortnight, including some fairly scarce migrants.

Butterflies have also been plentiful, but the birds remain pretty quiet: that should change over the next few weeks.

Sussex 220724-008
Small Phoenix
Sussex 220724-007
Sussex 220724-002
Brussels Lace
Sussex 220724-004
Brown Argus
Sussex 220724-011
Ruddy Darter
Sussex 220724-009
Sussex 220724-010
Reed Warbler
Sussex 220724-012
Black-tailed Skimmer
Sussex 220724-013
Wasp Spider
Sussex 220724-001
Peach Blossom
Sussex 220724-003
Splendid Brocade
Sussex 220724-005
Chalkhill Blue
Sussex 220724-006
Dark Green Fritillary